Friday fill-in: Documentation ready to roll

David Green, Project Manager for Visual Liturgy, notes a significant milestone has been reached for Visual Liturgy Live.

While there may not be much happening on the surface of Visual Liturgy at present, the team have been hard at work getting all the documentation ready for the new release –  Visual Liturgy Live. Primarily, it my responsibility to draft these documents and get them to the point where everyone agrees what we are going to be doing.

The amount of paper might surprise you. Collectively, the documents (of which there are 12) run to 264 pages of A4 and cover subjects as eclectic as our visual design, the technical details of the tools we use to build the software, the interface specification (i.e. how VL actually works) and much more.

The idea of getting so much documentation written and agreed is that it makes life much easier and cheaper later on. Rather than changing plans on the fly and then having to work out what that does to other parts of the software, everything is agreed in advance so that the development team can just get on with the job.

Obviously, some things change. When we start to build, it sometimes becomes apparent that certain buttons or processes aren’t going to work and so we have to revise the plans but as much as possible these documents give us ‘chapter and verse’ on what we are going to do.

Over the coming weeks, we hope to be able to show you some of the new facilities as they take shape. Indeed, one of the beauties of this blog tool is that you can comment on what you see and actually feed into the process.

Watch this space!

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