How to fix an empty Visual Liturgy calendar

UPDATE Jan 2022: The new calendar for 2022 Daily Prayer and 2023  Sundays  has been posted, please use Online Update now.

We work hard to keep the Visual Liturgy calendar up to date – why might you find it empty?

If the calendar does not show the Christian year events, then Visual Liturgy will not be able to select the correct readings, collects and other proper texts for services.

This is almost always caused by a problem with the Visual Liturgy login. Either the subscription has expired, or the username, password or serial number is wrong, or there is some issue on our server that is preventing the login from working correctly.

You can find out the status of your subscription by choosing Subscription Status from the Help menu in the top bar. The words you want to see are “Online update reports Active subscription”. If it says anything else, you will not be able to update the calendar. If the subscription has expired, there is a link to renew. If there is some other problem, and the subscription is in fact current, contact support and we will work with you to fix the issue.

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