Many improvements in new software update

We’ve posted an update to Visual Liturgy Live including many small improvements. Some of them deserve a little more explanation, but for now here is a list of what’s new.

Images in VL content items

The display of images in VL content items was unreliable. This is now fixed. Note that you must use the .bmp format if you need to export to word processor formats.

Export templates

This is an option in the Visual Liturgy Export dialog. It lets you pour VL HTML content into a pre-existing HTML document. The field <VLBODY> in the external document is replaced with everything within (but not including) the <body> element in the VL service. The field <VLTITLE> is replaced with the title of the service.

Omit VL IDs

Visual Liturgy services include ID tags which identify VL service items. These are invisible when exported, but clutter the HTML. You can now choose to omit them by checking a box in the Export dialog.

Option to suppress “Unable to retrieve live news” warning

When VL is offline it prompts that it cannot retrieve live news. This dialog now has a “do not show again” option to suppress future warnings.

Open paths in Explorer

In the Edit – Preferences – Paths dialog you can open a path in Explorer by clicking the Explorer icon. Note this does not change the selected path. This is useful if you want to find the VL data but it is hidden in Windows Explorer.

Fix VLS import

The import of .vls services was broken in the previous build. This is now fixed.

Fix display of Saints on Earth in VL Agent

Saints on Earth biographies were not displaying in the VL Agent. This is now fixed.

Fix bug in VL Style Editor

In some scenarios the VL style editor could blank out settings made on the Advanced tab. This is now fixed.

Prevent duplicate entries in paragraph/inline styles

It was possible to have duplicate entries in the VL text editor, for paragraph or inline styles. This is now fixed. Further, changes made to these options in the style editor now take effect immediately in the text editor, no need to restart VL.

Saving services

If you use change a service name when saving, VL warns that it is renaming the template. VL was repeating the warning on subsequent saves. This is now fixed.

There were some cases where a service could change but not raise the save prompt on close. These have been fixed.

If you change the service name in the save dialog, and then click service properties, the name in service properties now reflects the changes you have made to the service name .

Pressing delete in service list

Pressing delete in the service list now deletes the selected item (after a prompt). Previously this required a right-click menu item.

Close VL Agent before update

VL Agent will close automatically before running setup for an update.

MDB size warning

VL will warn you if your database is beyond a certain size, and prompt you to compact it. The default size for a warning has now been increased to 300MB.

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