Can you help influence the future of VL Live?

Church House Publishing (CHP) has a continuing programme of development for Visual Liturgy Live and we need your help. We’re looking  for people with a wide range of experience and expertise to assist with content development during 2008 and 2009. Our aim is to significantly improve and augment the content in Visual Liturgy, to enhance its role in planning and preparing worship for all occasions.

We’re planning a significant amount of editorial work for 2008-09 so that we can provide the following content for Visual Liturgy Live

  • The entire Common Worship library
  • The entire Book of Common Prayer
  • The complete set of daily lections for the annual lectionaries
  • New and improved service templates

Amongst the areas of Visual Liturgy in need of development are:

  • Liturgical texts;
  • Service Templates which need enhancing
  • New Service Templates which need to be designed
  • The lectionary
  • The Psalter
  • Themes
  • Reading Plans

Some subject areas, such as Daily Prayer, will benefit from long-term maintenance as the service  templates evolve and the daily lectionary is compiled year-on-year, so we would like to hear from you if you were interested in taking responsibility for subjects such as Daily Prayer, or lectionaries.

What skills are we looking for?

Some related editorial work is also planned for other CHP publishing platforms such as websites, and Visual Liturgy has a future on the internet in some form, too. The skills required therefore range from

traditional editorial skills such as data-entry and proof-reading, to
technical skills such as the use of markup languages and web-presentation tools.

Above all we need  enthusiasm for and knowledge of liturgy, as Visual Liturgy is designed to bring liturgy to life in the service of the Church; training and technical support can always be provided if necessary.

Applicants should ideally have experience of worship-planning using Visual Liturgy (VL) or similar products, or be willing to learn Visual Liturgy skills. Training and support will be provided for all participants to improve their knowledge and skills relating to Visual Liturgy. Participation is encouraged from people with experience of and interest in a diversity of worship styles.

The Rewards

Your expenses will be fully reimbursed, and your work will be rewarded in various ways, ranging from participation in early-release programmes and a discount scheme operating in CHP’s online shop,  to professional rates of pay for editorial and technical work where appropriate.

What to do next

If you are interested in participating or assisting CHP in this programme of work, and you have something to offer no matter how much or how little, please email Church House Publishing’s New Media Manager giving the following details:

  • The skills you can offer
  • Your experience of worship-planning using VL or equivalent applications
  • The approximate amount of time you can offer and the basis on which you would like to be engaged (for example:
    – 20 hours per week on a professional basis
    – A few hours per month on a volunteer basis
    – Etc.)
  • the preferred area of VL or content preparation in which you would like to participate (for example VL template improvement, or markup of new liturgical texts).

We plan for Visual Liturgy Live to have a long and successful life, so this announcement is not date-sensitive; whenever you see this announcement, please get in touch with CHP. We look forward to hearing from you.

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