Newly Authorized Additional Eucharistic Prayers now in VL Live

In July 2012 the General Synod gave final approval to two new Eucharistic Prayers for use when a significant number of children are present or when it is otherwise pastorally appropriate to meet the needs of children present.

Subscribers to Visual Liturgy can now download an update featuring the two texts along with new guidance on celebrating the Eucharist with children prepared by the Liturgical Commission and the first of several planned example services prepared exclusively for V L Live subscribers. The two prayers are authorized for use from 1 September 2012 and can be downloaded by active subscribers using the Online Updates feature.

Once installed, you can access the material in several ways:

1. In a service of Holy Communion, such as Holy Communion Order One, select the Detail view. Then click the start button in the service list,for the item The Eucharastic Prayer. The two new choices are Prayer One and Prayer Two. Select the prayer you want and click OK.

2. On the Visual Liturgy Home screen, scroll down to Additional Eucharistic Prayers. Here you will find the new Eucharistic Prayers as standalone items. You can also open the Introduction and Guidance which explains the purpose and usage of the new material. Finally, there is an example service called Simple Celebration of Holy Communion.

3. The new Prayer One includes an optional response at several points, either Holy Holy Holy or Amen Amen Amen. If you do not want to use these reponses, click on the tick box by one of the responses in the service list. They are set so that if you untick one, all are unticked. The final Amen should always be included.

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